The Saturn Moon of Titan has 100 times more oil than all of Earth combined. Before any of the greedy lesser nations of this Earth try to muster a proper spacecraft that can land on the moon, America must use its advantages to venture out to Titan, conquer it and [...]
Why Businesses Everywhere Who Support Arizona’s SB 1062 Should Put “NO F**GOTS” Signs in Their Windows
My friend Jericho once told me he preferred racists who called him “n**ger” to those who hid (perhaps even from...
Perhaps the most annoying thing about Flappy Bird, aside from it being impossible to play for very long, is that so...
This Scary Japanese Tire Commercial Has Made 9/10 Viewers Wet Their Pants. Are You Brave Enough to Watch…?
A new commercial for a Japanese tire company has made big headlines, because it comes with a disclaimer. The video...
Japanese Men, Women Now Wearing Anti-Fukushima Radiation Underwear to Protect Their Nethers from Mutation

Japanese company forced to manufacture anti-radiation wetsuits and undergarments to protect Japanese citizens from nuclear radiation. In a tragic development and proof of problems surrounding the Fukushima region of Japan, men and women of the area are being encouraged to purchase anti-radiation underwear to shield their ‘sensitive’ areas from radiation. [...]
Read more ›Xinhua: Chinese Scientists Invent WiFi Li-Fi Lightbulbs

Xinhua, China – Chinese scientists have invented a Wi-Fi lightbulb. Officials with Shanghai’s Fudan University announced the technology offers superior connection speeds and can be distributed throughout the nation. The technology is simple. With the purchase of a Li-Fi kit and a lightbulb, you can get onto the [...]
Read more ›Walmart Food Stamps Welfare Recipients Raid Stores, Go On Shopping Spree in Louisiana

The Backstory: State officials in Louisiana announced that following a power outage, food stamp recipients had a temporary lift to their spending limits. Police Chief Will Lynd reports that of all victim stores, Walmart was hit hardest. Customers pushed and shoved each other away from checkout counters, eager to buy [...]
Read more ›United Airlines Offering Flights For $0
United Airlines is now offering flights for $0. And this year continues to get that much more an odd duck. Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. Breaking News
Read more ›New $100 Dollar Bill Picture

The government shutdown is not stopping the US Federal Reserve from rolling out a new series of $100 dollar bills today. The new bill features the addition of unique color markers in addition to sophisticated anti-counterfeiting security features.
Read more ›McDonald’s Tells Patrons to Pull Up Their Pants
Hello Viewers, There’s been an uprising against the pant sagging issue going around all over the nation. McDonald’s restaurants are taking the next step in preventing the unsightly scene that most African-Americans display while dressing themselves and going out on the streets. One McDonald’s restaurant in Texas has made it [...]
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