Texas parents are in jail tonight after luring their gay son into an SUV and allegedly leaving him in it to ‘sweat the gay away’. The son is recovering from heat exposure in a hospital. A set of parents from Texas are in jail after allegedly luring their 19-year-old into [...]

Parents Allegedly Lock Gay Son In Hot Car for 13 Hours, “Make Him Sweat Out the Gay”
Local Grocery Stores Now Asking To Be Shareholders in Women’s Wombs
After last week’s Supreme Court ruling that made corporations a major shareholder in women’s wombs, local...
Oklahoma Store Uses Supreme Court Ruling To Deny Health Insurance to Gay Employee, “Your Lifestyle Does Not Agree With Our Belief-System”
A locally owned Oklahoma retail business is under heavy controversy today. After yesterday’s landmark 5-4...
Are Women Even People, Really?
Hello, my good friends and dear readers, Haywood Bynum III here. After joyfully taking in today’s landmark...
If Your Husband Is Checking Out Other Women, Maybe You Should Get Your Lazy Behind Off the Couch and Do Some Yoga

I find it hopelessly hilarious how women will let their midsections turn into cupcakes and their backsides into turn cellulite patties, and then wonder why their men’s eyes are straying to more fit and responsible women. There is a major epidemic because there are way too many of you fat [...]
Read more ›Texas Towns Vote To Outlaw Homosexuality

A leaked document from the Texas GOP reveals a new coordinated effort to make Texas ‘outlaw homosexuality’ by 2016. The Texas GOP has allegedly concocted a plan that involves funneling tax dollars into organizations that promote ‘ex-gay therapy’, as well as promoting television campaigns that will tie homosexuality with economic [...]
Read more ›Would You Eat This 3-D Printed Food?
A German company is using 3D printers to make food. The new food product is being called ‘Smoothfoods’ and so far, the food has been a major success for testing markets in Germany. Pureed smoothfood tastes wonderful, taste test subjects claim. Would you try this new printed food [...]
Read more ›Police Warning Families To Remove Stick Family Decals From Their Cars

Sticker decals on the back of SUVS and minivans have become the new mark of suburban success. Now police are warning proud moms and dads that the stick-figure families on their car could be a great danger. Police warn the decals are advertising your family’s demographic makeup to thieves and [...]
Read more ›Maya Angelou Dies at Age 86

Poet and author Sonia Sanchez discusses the life of her friend, Dr. Maya Angelou.
Read more ›Driver Pushes Police Car Off The Road in Russia

Moscow, Russia – In Russia, cars are oft fitted with mounted dash cams due to the sheer amount of crazed drivers and insurance-claim seeking pedestrians who will happily jump in front of your car to get a tidy payday settlement. Here we see that not even the police in Russia [...]
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