July 1, 2014 3:49 am
Hello, my good friends and dear readers, Haywood Bynum III here. After joyfully taking in today’s landmark Supreme Court decision, there is just one pressing question on my mind: are women even people, really? Following today’s landmark 5-4 decision in favor of Hobby Lobby to force its female employees [...]
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Marijuana To Blame for Luis Suarez Biting Ear of Italian Player During World Cup Match
June 24, 2014 10:58 pm
When Uruguay legalized marijuana right before the 2013 soccer season, the world held its breath as everyone new that marijuana aficionado Luis Suarez would constantly imbibe the drug with passion. But today, we can see the effects of marijuana as it caused a crazed Suarez to bite a Italian player’s jugular [...]
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Is The Marijuana Ice Cream Man Selling Iced Marijuana To Your Kids?
June 22, 2014 11:29 pm
Little did you parents in Colorado, Washington and other weed enabled states know this, but the ice-cream man is now allowed to sell lactose flavored marijuana to your children. Just take a good look at it. There it is. The very thing I warned would happen if the liberals were [...]
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Monsanto Selling Gluten Free Marijuana In Colorado
10:58 pm
Residents of Aurora, Colorado, smoke copious amounts of gluten-free marijuana over the weekend. Unlike normal marijuana, gluten-free marijuana is non-allergenic and carcinogenic, but this comes at the cost of being highly addictive. Aurora, Colorado – As you know, marijuana is the most dangerous and annoying drug of all time. [...]
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Oklahoma Hospital Hires Faith Healers, 14 Patients Instantly Cured of Terminal Diseases
7:50 pm
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – A local hospital announced a major miracle this Sunday: 14 formally terminal patients have been cured within a week, thanks to the facility’s new Department of Faith Healing and Diagnostic Medicine. Dr. Kent Friesz reports, “In my 25 years of practice, I’ve never seen such a [...]
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If Your Husband Is Checking Out Other Women, Maybe You Should Get Your Lazy Behind Off the Couch and Do Some Yoga
June 20, 2014 9:51 pm
I find it hopelessly hilarious how women will let their midsections turn into cupcakes and their backsides into turn cellulite patties, and then wonder why their men’s eyes are straying to more fit and responsible women. There is a major epidemic because there are way too many of you fat [...]
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Gluten Rich Cat Food Causing Deformities in Kittens
9:07 am
If you are anything like the majority of other Americans, you probably suffer from a gluten allergy. Gluten is a dangerous substance that can cause you to be very ill and if you are smart, you would immediately get onto a gluten-free diet. But what many people do not realize [...]
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June 19, 2014 8:02 am
Facebook is down. A message showing “Something went wrong, we’re working on getting this fixed as soon as we can” is p opping up and messing up communications worldwide. Facebook is usually reliable enough that this message does not display, so do not lose faith fellow Facebookers. Every site, even [...]
New Violence in Iraq Proves President Bush Right To Not Invade
June 17, 2014 3:07 am
Obama dragged America into a costly, deadly war in Iraq that severely damaged the US economy, international relations and cost the lives of brave American troops. Now, insurgents continue to roost in Iraq and smug Obama is to blame. I hate to say I told you so, but right [...]
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Construction Worker Destroys Johnny-on-the-Job After Digesting Massive Taco Bell Breakfast
June 16, 2014 11:56 pm
Topeka, Kansas – Locals were seen fleeing away from Topeka Blvd early Monday morning, all after a construction worker from a KC-based road crew ate at a local Taco Bell. “Well, I had seen the commercials and I thought the new Waffle Taco was good and in my budget, so [...]
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