The Russians have thrown down the gauntlet. Only moments ago, the Russians shot 23 Americans out of the skies of the Ukraine. 23 Americans lay murdered. Fearing a drawn-out war between Russia and America, Israel has gone ahead and invaded Gaza just moments ago. They cannot risk America will no [...]

Is It Time For America To Finally Nuke Russia?
You Cannot Believe Everything You Read on the Internet
Warning: The image above is another liberal Obama-media attempt to destroy American businesses. In the ad,...
Should America Make a Mexican Israel in Iran?
Here is the solution to America’s immigration crisis: it is really quite simple. For my dear friends and readers...
Should America Make A Mexican Israel in Iran?
Here is the solution to America’s immigration crisis: it is really quite simple. For my dear friends and readers...
Can Christian Businesses Finally Deny Health Insurance to Atheists?

The Supreme Court’s decision to give human and religious rights to businesses opens up a world of possibilities wealthy Republican business owners, lobbyists, pastors and politicians in the War on Liberals. (pictured: Future President Mitt Romney and colleagues) The new Supreme Court ruling for Hobby Lobby opens up a litany [...]
Read more ›If A Woman’s Womb Is Already Owned By a 1) Fetus, 2) Her Husband, 3) The Government, Then Why Are Women So Upset over SCOTUS’ Hobby Lobby Decision to add 4) Her Boss?

Hello dear friends and readers, Haywood Bynum III here and I have one deeply pressing question on my mind today. Since a woman’s womb is already owned by 1) a growing fetus (child), 2) Her Husband (should she choose to give up semi-sovereign rights when accepting a marriage proposal) and [...]
Read more ›Are Women Even People, Really?
Hello, my good friends and dear readers, Haywood Bynum III here. After joyfully taking in today’s landmark Supreme Court decision, there is just one pressing question on my mind: are women even people, really? Following today’s landmark 5-4 decision in favor of Hobby Lobby to force its female employees [...]
Read more ›Open Letter To Morans Who Believe Earth is 4.5 Million Years Old
Well, it seems my protest of Cosmos: A Space Odyssey has upset the radical left-wing zealots of the world. Let me just preface this open letter: if you don’t like what you read here, you can just get out of my country. I am not going to sit by idly while Neil DeGrasse [...]
Read more ›It Is Time For Ukranians To Surrender To Russia

Ukraine, your great Россия-Матушка Mother Russia hears your cry. You are an angry child, lost and bewildered after decades of corrupt capitalism and American values. Your heart desires to be pure, but your teenage angst causes you to rebel against your parent’s authority. Ukraine, it is time to come home [...]
Read more ›Donald Sterling Thinks NBA Is Modern Day Slave Plantation

Los Angeles, California – The Caucasian owner of the Los Angeles Clippers does not want African-Americans at his basketball games. In a shocking recording all the world can hear, Sterling admonishes his half-black girlfriend for associating with black people and even worse, daring to bring them to his basketball games. [...]
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