Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella
Denver, Colorado and Coachella Valley, California – Marijuana candies, sold on the street as ‘Uncle Tweety’s Chewy Flipper’ and ‘Gummy Satans’ are taking the country by storm. Each candy is an emulsification of sweetened Jello, vodka and minced marijuana. Huffington Post reports that within a week, 9 college students have died from these marijuana candies.
New reports from Coachella confirm one young man has died after eating a handful of these dangerous homebrewed gummies.
Marijuana advocates love to argue that pot is not dangerous. But breaking down the report from Huffington Post right now reveals the tragic truth: marijuana is dangerous, especially in candy form.
Let’s take a closer look at the train-wreck caused by this new type of marijuana.
A college student eats more than the recommended dose of a marijuana-laced cookie and jumps to his death from a hotel balcony. A husband with no history of violence is accused of shooting his wife in the head, possibly after eating pot-infused candy.
The two recent deaths have stoked concerns about Colorado’s recreational marijuana industry and the effects of the drug, especially since cookies, candy and other pot edibles can be exponentially more potent than a joint.
“We’re seeing hallucinations, they become sick to their stomachs, they throw up, they become dizzy and very anxious,” said Al Bronstein, medical director of the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center.
Immediately, we see marijuana in the bloodstream is causing life and death situations to take place. If pot was still illegal, perhaps neither of the prior stories would have developed.
It is sad that in a country as developed as America, such third world drugs such as marijuana are allowed to exist.
Twenty-six people have reported poisonings from marijuana edibles this year, when the center started tracking such exposures. Six were children who swallowed innocent-looking edibles, most of which were in plain sight.
Children are being addicted to marijuana. I knew this day would come, when a liberal president allowed a state to legally sell Marijuana Flintstone Vitamins to children. What are the consequences? Let us turn to science.
Five of those kids were sent to emergency rooms, and two to hospitals for intensive care, Bronstein said. Children were nauseous and sleepy, and doctors worried about their respiratory systems shutting down.
Supporters of the pot law and some experts counter that alcohol causes far more problems among users, and the issues with pot can be largely addressed through better regulations.
The deaths occurred as Colorado lawmakers are scrambling to create safety regulations for the largely unmonitored marijuana snacks. On Thursday, the Legislature advanced a package of bills that would lower the amount of THC that could be permitted in a serving of food and require more extensive warning labels.
An autopsy report listed marijuana intoxication as a significant contributing factor in the death of 19-year-old Levy Thamba Pongi.
Authorities said Pongi, who traveled from Wyoming to Denver with friends to try and eat marijuana,In the moments before his death, he spoke erratically and threw things around his hotel room.
Toxicologists later found that the cookie Pongi ate contained THC — marijuana’s intoxicating chemical — as one high-quality joints.
Marijuana. It is one of the most dangerous drugs on Earth. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here, my friends.
For every one joint of marijuana, four teenagers become burdened with pregnancy. And for every bag of marijuana candy sold, it seems 16 violent crimes in the 16 to 45-year-old cohort break down.
Young men and men who eat these candies are being found to have lower testosterone levels and fits of primal aggression. They are suffering heart issues and COPD. I do not even want to scare you parents today on what is being found to happen in young women who smoke and eat marijuana. The stat about teen pregnancy is enough for you for one day.
What a load of crap. They didn’t die of marijuana, they died of stupidity. One died of a fall, not marijuana. The woman died of a gunshot, not marijuana.
Do you plan on using the same rational for banning alcohol? That people do stupid things while drunk?
Meanwhile tens of thousands die from overdosing on legal opiates. Direct deaths caused directly by the drug, not deaths caused by accident or misadventure.
So many zealots who think they know whats best for everyone else. Last I checked people in the USA are killing each other with guns without getting high. And falling off roofs. Crashing cars.
At the end of the day marijuana is still THE safest recreational drug, even if hyperbolic spinmeisters like yourself refuse to believe the evidence. No, you have to resort to twisting the truth until it screams.
No, I don’t use marijuana. But I support adults decision to do so without having their life destroyed by the industrial prison complex.
By the way, are you paid by the rant from the alcohol lobby? They are terrified their death grip on the legal drug trade will be lost.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike:
Even though the author has exceptional copy and paste skills, he forgets to mention quite a few things. Those five children who went to the emergency room, all recovered, according to Wang, a clinical instructor with Children’s Hospital Colorado and the University of Colorado School of Medicine, as well as a medical toxicology fellow at the Rocky Mountain Poison & Drug Center. Every incident regarding marijuana use with children has not ended up with death by overdose. However, you are correct, marijuana edibles can be result in dangerous events such as suicide or shooting your wife in the head. That is because (for inexperienced users), when they do not have knowledge of the amount of marijuana they are ingesting, or that with edibles, it does not kick in right away. Therefore, they ingest more of the marijuana edibles which causes too much stimulus that a lot of people do not know how to handle. As Ted Wright perfectly stated in the beginning comment, “Learn the truth before you speak and your kids will be more likely to believe you in the future. Lie to them and they will never trust you again…” A little research can go a long way.
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yeah, like alcohol, it should be taken in moderation. even though you can’t die directly from marijuana use, you can still make rash decisions under its influence. Especially if you take a lot.
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Also, if this post was truely correct, don’t you think this would be all over national news… Just think about that as well
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How in the world do you get that headline? You mention two people, the college student and the guy who shot his wife. Where or who are the other 7 in Colorado or the 12 at Coachella? You are a liar and not even a very good one at that. What was that quote about bearing false witness??
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The information in this article about how potent and dangerous edibles can be is completely true and not exaggerated at all. How do I know this for sure? My 16 year old son and his friend tried them two weeks ago at a sleep over and had a nightmare of a time. They were hallucinating, vomiting, hearing things, their hearts were racing, they were paranoid to an extreme degree, they thought they were dying and my son experienced extreme pain in his joints–he thought he was having a heart attack. My son put his friend in the shower and that’s how my son’s friend’s mother woke up and saw them. Not only did my son continue to trip for hours and hours, he was still not right at 10 in the morning the next day. The friend’s mother insisted my son tell me everything, so he did. When I told him what the mom told me his face dropped as he realized that he not only tripped but had completely blacked out. He has no recollection of walking down the street to get more edibles because they were convinced they hadn’t worked; he ZERO recollection of putting his friend in the shower. I honestly and completely believe in the power of marijuana as a healing drug for cancer and other things but I really believe it can be super dangerous too and should be administered to sick people as medicine. I was a big pot smoker earlier in my life and now I don’t touch the stuff, and haven’t for decades. Please talk to your children about edibles, they are easy to get, easy to hide, easy to take and easy to overdose.
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CLASSIC example of uninformed users getting messed up. You can’t overdose from weed – well you can but you must ingest an absolutely incedible amount for it to dominate your bloodstream enough.
However, people with weak hearts or weak heads should not over-indulge, as marijuana increases heart rate, and can increase even greater to points of anxiety and paranoia with a weak or inexperienced mind.
I’ve been through ever type of marijuana related trauma imaginable and even I can say that with proper technique, using marijuana is not only relatively safe compared to other legal drugs (alcohol, tobacco, etc.), it can also be beneficial.
I do however, understand that excess use can break down a person’s motivation, cause depression, and cause other mental issues. But if taught about how to responsibly use marijuana, none of these things should be an immediate problem, if at all.
The key is educating, and that doesn’t necessarily mean prohibiting or advocating. Of course, protect your kids, but let them experience as much as they can, while they can. I’m not saying give the kid 5 shots of henny, a weed brownie and a beer bong and tell him to drive 40 miles – I’m just saying, it’s really nobody’s place to tell anyone else but themselves what to do, parent or not. That’s a way angry and rebellious people are bred. Educate and encourage, but refrain from pushing and pulling.
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“I was a big pot smoker earlier in my life and now I don’t touch the stuff”
You’re so full of BS, if you had experience with pot in your past that you claim, then you are well aware that what you stated earlier is crap. What else did they take? Booze? From your liquor cabinet? That will make you vomit and hallucinate as well. Why do you feel the need to justify your story with the “I used to do a lot of it so I know what I’m talking about”?
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Of course this idiot is associated to a church! Mother fucking liar doesn’t even know how to lie… bunch of bullshit twisted news stories with no sources…. lol! If you are really that concerned about teenage pregnancy may be you should work towards banning alcohol first! Stop spewing bullshit asshole, you just look like an ugly, unintelligent old fart.
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Reefer madness everyone! Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husbands. But seriously, anyone who read this article, please ignore this man’s nonsense. How about society turn they’re attention to our legalized drug pushers: psychiatrist. They’re “meds” are neurotoxic, thc is not.
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Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor….Thou shalt not covet they neighbors’ goods.
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This is the biggest load of crap I have ever read. The author should be shot and pissed on. People like this anger me immensely. They have no education on the wonderful cannabis plant and its amazing properties. Not 1 person or animal has ever died from marijuana alone. It is the safest drug in the world and should be fully legalized and be treated with the respect it deserves. It would free up billions of dollars in taxpayers money as well as generate billions in revenue which would help pull our country out of debt. Fuck everyone who disagrees with me because they are a complete waste of life and should not be breathing my precious air.
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Desperate groping for correlations is what I’d tend to call this. Sounds like nothing here that you don’t see far more of with ANY other drug, including cigarettes. Afterall, how many people have died on the road because their driver or the other cars driver was distracted by either fishing around for, or lighting, a cigarette.
All the relationships are either something that is more common with Alcohol and hard drugs, or even lack of sleep. Most of the rest are pure conjecture or assigning marijuana the blame for something else that was obviously the cause.
Nice try but if this is the worst that can be said about it, then legalization is a huge success.
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Just wanted to say this to the author: Fuck you. Take your religious biased views back to the dark ages. The guy who fell to his death was an idiot. Gravity killed him. Guess we should outlaw gravity now.
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This has GOT to be satire.
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Ok this is satire. Here is a collection of some of their other headlines:
Deadly Fukushima Mutant Brazilian Spiders Found Hiding in Bananas, Preying on Humans
Giant Mutant Tibetan Mastiff Found in Russia, Born of Fukushima Waters
Fukushima Mutant Vegetables Being Sold in Stores, Causing Human Mutations
Giant Fukushima Mutant Dog Wows Social Media
Giant Fukushima Mutant Turtle Finally Captured By Japanese Military
Fukushima Alligator Snapping Turtle Terrorizes Oregon Town
Mutated Fukushima Giant Hornet On Loose in Washington, DC
Fukushima Crazy Ants Terrorizing American Southwest, Eating Human Flesh
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Bologne. Edible marijuana is the best thing I’ve ever had. It has helped me stop drinking and doing Other things like prescription drugs other prescription drugs
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LOL!!! you’re telling me after thousands of years. We finally have the first marijuana related deaths and its not all over the news??? really?? This guy has to be the most ignorant person to ever type on a keyboard. Yes, if you over do it you can get paranoid, or a bit uncomfortable. Most likely very sleepy and starving. Try taking 20 advils and see how that goes. Side affect: 2 days in hospital or death. Did this guy fall asleep in 1985 and just wake up?? STOP FEEDING PEOPLE BS!!!!
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Hilarious….. not really but seriously. It’s not a ‘harmless’ drug, but neither is alcohol, but people are way more likely to make rash decisions under alcohol, these deaths could just as easily been deaths related to alcohol abuse. Everything should be taken in moderation. Its a drug no more dangerous than alcohol. You could even say that it is 90% harmless. Unless you are prone to psychosis and schizophrenia, then you might want to think twice before taking a hallucinogenic drug. Why don’t we make cigarettes and alcohol illegal (the real legal killer drugs) and make marijuana legal (a medicinal herbal drug that is relatively harmless).
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The real problem is called REGULATION:
- How much is a “safe” cannabis dose? Nobody knows because it depends on the THC content of the weed. Unfortunately Cannabis is not yet a truly stable vegetable and we can have some oscillation in THC content within the same staring and breeder. But this can be easily resolved with research and development.
- Who should really use cannabis?
- What is the recommended dosage for the different symptoms?
- What are the strains that shall be used for treating the different symptom — different strains deliver different effects–?
- When should cannabis be used under the different conditions?
- What should be the right THC:CDB content for the different symptoms? CDB is reducing the psychic effects of THC and recent research shows to be a very powerful medicine, much more powerful than THC.
The list goes on and on and on…. Until when we won’t have a clear REGULATION of cannabis, many more people will suffer unfortunately and they health will be compromised.
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I’m shocked that the Topeka News lets you post outright lies on their website.
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What a bunch of stoner idiots. Do I care that you use MJ? What do I care, nothing to ,me. Do I care that most of you are idiots? Kinda, yeah – more wasted tax money on public indoc . . . education. Hopefully you at least learned how to properly put a condom on.
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So many ways to die, I gotta say that if marijuana could kill it would not be a bad way to go. Also, as a raw vegan I believe we are all supposed to eat cannabis as part of our diet for nutritional value. The fact that they take our right ti do it on a daily basis legally is in my opinion “Animal abuse”(us humans being the animals of the abuse, not lol completely serious). To the gentleman who wrote such nice poetry in just a couple of sentences to the “beautiful lady”, way to go bro you rock!!! Peace people, and to the auther of the article try again you are not helping. A.V.S
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Author: Awesome article. Judging by the comments, you have done an amazing job of collectively trolling the dumb-dumbs. This is satire gold here. Even better is that the furor these people have about this topic and their quick-to-the-keyboard knee jerk reaction to it causes them to overlook the satirical warnings from some of the more astute commentors.
In any case, my hat is off to you, sir. Your article has inspired me. Thank you.
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Lets see, replace every instance of the word marijuana in this article with the word alcohol AND ITS EXACTLY THE F*****G SAME!!!!!
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This article is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever read in my life. The fact these homemade edibles were infused with vodka as well proves that marijuana is still as harmless as it gets.
Please, stop attempting to scare the general (stupid) population. Thanks.
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You drink a can of beer and you’re fine. You’re still able to think and drive safely.
You smoke marijuana, and you’re high and you’re automatically prone to crashing your car into a pole.
Potheads just don’t get it: people can drink alcohol without getting drunk, but there’s no way for anyone to enjoy marijuana without getting high. That’s the only purpose of smoking marijuana: getting high. There are people who have consumed alcohol all their lives without getting drunk. How many potheads have smoked marijuana without getting high?
But don’t try to reason with potheads, they will always come up with excuses.
You eat 3-4 liquor bonbons and you’re fine.
You eat one marijuana cookie and you end up in hospital.
But potheads will still defend their poison.
They’re just beyond common sense.
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Your rationalization for alcohol use is heard so often at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, it’s a cliché.
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the only thing dying is my brain for reading this BS get a life and go smoke some weed then maybe you’ll understand 4:20
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[…] Background Colorado legalized “recreational” marijuana a year ago. Despite the frightening evidence from Colorado, some lawmakers are intent on pursuing a reckless agenda in the hopes of realizing a new tax revenue stream. Colorado’s Democratic Governor John Hickenlooper even says it “was a bad idea!” We could reasonably expect the same negative consequences here in Illinois: an increase in crime, hospitalizations, car accidents and deaths. […]
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Just another wackjob religious fanatic smh
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[…] negative consequences here in Illinois: an increase in crime, hospitalizations, car accidents and deaths. Make no mistake, these reckless public policy decisions will create significant problems for […]
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I high bjk
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Totally agree with la. My friend’s brother gave me half of a Marijuana cookie and I had no idea what it was. I had never smoked pot. I freaked out with hallucinations, my heart felt like it was going to come out of my chest, I heard voices, I thought I was literally going to die and kept telling them to take me to the e.r. after about an hour and a half I threw up and felt much better since it was out of my system. He’s lucky he was my friend’s brother, or else he probably wouldn’t be walking . Pot is fine for some people, but others freak out and have different side effects. It’s not completely safe for every person, people need to realize that not everyone is going to be happy, eat, and go to sleep. It affects everyone different.
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It wouldn’t be out of your system if you threw up.
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#satire. niiice.
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Simply following the link to the Huffington Post article shows it doesn’t talk about 9 deaths, only 2 possibly related deaths, which lead to potency labeling and education. The woman who died after Coachella took Ecstasy, not marijuana. http://www.sgvtribune.com/general-news/20140906/ecstasy-deaths-continue-in-southern-california-despite-2010-crackdown. The rest is pure speculation, of course. What’s sad is that the DARE website has picked up this hyperbole and run it as fact. Let’s insist on honest, useful drug education.
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Wow, Haywood Bynum. What a stupid asshole.
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This is the funniest thing I have ever read! Haywood, seriously…you need to go write for The Onion. Share your drugs with me!
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Guns don’t kill people people do, marijuana does not kill people people do. Prohibition does not work sir, if so God would have prohibited Adam an Eve from ever seeing the tree of good and evil. You cannot legislate common sense nor balance, what is good for you may be bad for me. We believe in Freedom, God believes in Freedom He would have us make his will our choice, but leaves that up to us to choose.
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You people do know that this is a satire website, don’t you? Have you read the other headlines here? Obama looking to start zombie apocalypse…mcd’s food grows legs and fights for its life….c’mon man…lmao.
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This is clearly satire. Look at the authors other articles and you will see other hilarious conservative eye-poking prose.
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[…] the entire story, titled "Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella" from topekasnews.com. The only problem is that topkeasnews.com is a satire website, one of dozens posting […]
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[…] And this is how the satirical website Topeka News found itself on D.A.R.E.’s radar, which was no doubt attracted by the fake headline “Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella“. […]
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[…] story, titled “Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella” from topekasnews.com. The only problem is that topkeasnews.com is a satire website, one of dozens posting […]
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[…] story, titled “Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella” from topekasnews.com. The only problem is that topkeasnews.com is a satire website, one of dozens posting […]
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[…] And how did they come across this faulty information? Oh, a run-of-the-mill Fake Onion site, TopekasNews. […]
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[…] a seemingly innocuous anti-cannabis article. This story turned out to be a satirical piece originally released by Topeka News, a satirical news […]
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[…] News se encontró en el radar de D.A.R.E. que sin duda fue atraída por el encabezado falso “Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella“(Dulces de marihuana comestibles matan a nueve en Colorado y doce en […]
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[…] story, titled “Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella” from topekasnews.com. The only problem is that topekasnews.com is a satire Web site, one of dozens posting […]
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[…] anti-marijuana article in question — ‘Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachela‘ — was originally posted on the satire news site topekanews.com. D.A.R.E. posted a copy of […]
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[…] post was taken from a website called TopekasNews, and a 30-second scan of the site raises red flags about its legitimacy. Take for instance a […]
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[…] story, titled “Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella” from topekasnews.com. The only problem is that topekasnews.com is a satire Web site, one of dozens posting […]
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The Washington Post exposed this story as a satirical article; however, the fact that DARE picked it up and ran with it as a real story speaks volumes about their credibility and knowledge in the subject.
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[…] D.A.R.E. apparently unsuccessful to check into a source of a article, though; a story originated on Topeka News, one of a favorite fake-news purveyors. D.A.R.E. declined to criticism when my co-worker Chris […]
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[…] D.A.R.E. apparently failed to check into the source of its article, though; the story originated on Topeka News, one of our favorite fake-news purveyors. D.A.R.E. declined to comment when my colleague Chris […]
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[…] D.A.R.E. apparently failed to check into the source of its article, though; the story originated on Topeka News, one of our favorite fake-news purveyors. D.A.R.E. declined to comment when my colleague Chris […]
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[…] D.A.R.E. apparently failed to check into the source of its article, though; the story originated on Topeka News, one of our favorite fake-news purveyors. D.A.R.E. declined to comment when my colleague Chris […]
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[…] some of these cases of people eating too many edibles unaware of their strength has led to some fatalities out in Colorado. We are not telling you this to scare you away from this miraculous plant. We simply want to ensure […]
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[…] Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella” turned out to be a repost from the satire website, topekasnews.com. In other words the story is fake, as are the numbers it cites. D.A.R.E has since removed the […]
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[…] Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella” turned out to be a repost from the satire website, topekasnews.com. In other words the story is fake, as are the numbers it cites. D.A.R.E has since removed the […]
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[…] recently taken in by a (not especially clever — they aren’t The Onion) satirical article at topekasnew.com. It took The Washington Post’s Christopher Ingram calling D.A.R.E […]
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[…] post was taken from a website called TopekasNews, and a 30-second scan of the site raises red flags about its legitimacy. Take for instance a […]
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[…] death after eating pot-laced cookie Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella Edible Marijuana Candies Kill 9 in Colorado, 12 at Coachella – Topekas News SURGE IN CHILDREN ACCIDENTALLY EATING MARIJUANA-LACED FOODS […]
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