Kansas Declares War On Women’s Womb, Abortion Bill Passes House And To Governor Brownback
Kansas Government plans to shackle women and take away the rights to our bodies. HB 2253, the new law will declare ‘life begins at fertilization’ and give government complete control over every womb in the state of Kansas, no matter the means of pregnancy and if the mother wants to go through with it.
TOPEKA, KAN – Kansas continues to prove its the most backward state in the nation. Last year it passed measures allowing men to beat women and get away with it. Yes, Kansas decriminalized spousal abuse due to ‘wasting budget’ on police calls to stop women from getting beat. This year, Kansas legislators have upped the ante and gave sweeping support to a new anti-abortion bill that is a blatant offense to all women.
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback plans to sign the bill that declares life begins ‘at fertilization. Once he signs this bill, Kansas will block all federal tax breaks for abortion providers and ban abortions that are carried out due to the baby’s gender.

Just shoot me: Doctors who give abortions will be required to tell patients things like ‘getting an abortion will give you a greater chance of getting breast cancer and dieing a grueseome death’. If they fail to make such statements, they will lose their medical license.
The Kansas House of Representatives voted 90-30 in support of the bill. Once Brownback signs the bill, it will go into law on July 1st. The bill also bans Kansas schools from allowing abortion providers to give educational material and talks to classes, and requires any doctor who plans to provide an abortion to give out detailed, biased information aimed to scare the patient, or they may lose their license and face federal prosecution.
The bill also opens a dangerous precedent, as it blatantly states life begins ‘at fertilization’. Though this point is not scientifically proven, some small loined politicians and whatever doltish women foolishly signed off on this for whatever religious context they put on life, and now this bill stands to be the greatest threat against women and our reproductive rights.
If a bill exists that states life begins at conception, then court cases can be pursued saying a woman has no right to ‘take away’ the life of a child. So if I am raped, find out I am pregnant, I would then have no right to remove the clumps of cells growing in me, because by the definition of Sam Brownback and his merry assembly of men and brainwashed Republican women, that little clump of blastomere is technically a human being. If I had an abortion, I would be killing my rapist’s baby. What sly little devils.
Supporters of the bill are trying to cloud their true agenda with grandiose statements. Says Steve Fitzgerald, a senator who wants to reach deep into the business of my womb with his political leanings: “The human is a magnificent piece of work at all stages of development, wondrous in every regard, from the microscopic until full development.”
In other words, this guy sounds like he is quoting the Bible: “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous
are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. – Psalm 139:14″
One man, Representative John Wilson of Lawrence, a democrat, has his head on straight. Wilson stated, “It’s [The bill] the very definition of government intrusion in a woman’s personal medical decisions.” He continued, saying whoever supported the bill supported a “Taliban-esque” hadith letting the law of man violate the natural law of a woman’s rights to her own body. This is all about politics and religion, not medicine.
Since Sam Brownback took office in 2011, the abortion rate in Kansas has decreased by 11 percent. His anti-abortion agenda has been obvious.
Supporters of the bill will hide behind their statements, saying the measure shows Kansas values human life. The last time I checked, I was pretty damned human. Fully developed, fit and a woman who loves life. I can make my own decisions. I am conscious, I eat, I could reproduce if a chose and I sure as hell am responding to stimuli right now. I am the definition of life, so if some pea-cocked Republican men think they are going to grind their way into my reproductive rights and thrust until they release whatever ecstatic moans of pleasure or prayers to their gods, be it fictional or monetary, they have another thing coming.
The rights of women are not something to be debated. They exist in a natural state. Just as much as Sam Brownback has the right to keep women from voting or to play O’ Massah’ and start declaring that all blacks in Kansas better start picking some of that damned cotton or else, he better keep out of the wombs of us women.
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The law seems to be challenging Row v Wade.
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kansas is God’s State
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Hail Jeebus
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you’re right, freedom is terrible.
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[...] is going on in PA? It’s beginning to sound more & more like a North Dakota or a Kansas [or a Mississippi or an Arizona or a Wisconsin or a Texas or any other state that’s been taken [...]
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