Abbey Meadows, England - Well look what we have here. Only a few hours after England legalized gay marriage, we can already see that the animals are confused about their species and gender roles. A species-confused chicken has somehow given birth to a puppy. Even worse, close inspection of the picture [...]
Hidden Camera Catches Beagle Still Chicken Nuggets in Creative Fashion
Beagles are innately sneaky and rascally. Here we see a beagle showing cat-like cleverness in creating a bridge...
Hilarious Video of Dogs Eating With Forks and Knives at Table
Just in time for the holidays, two dogs dine-in at home and share a meal with forks and knives. (function(d, s, id)...
Woman Kicks Snow In Stray Cat’s Face, Stray Cat Beats @#$ Out Of Woman
In the video, we see proof of why one should respect nature. A woman decided to pick on a stray cat by kicking...
Radical Cat Owners Teaching Cats To Terrorize Dogs

When I saw this video, I cried tears of anguish and immediately called my local ASPCA. I know liberals think it is cute to stomp all upon natural law and ignore God’s edicts, but enough is enough. In the video below, innocent dogs are being tormented. They are being taught [...]
Read more ›The Story Of The Lonely Whale

In 2004, The New York Times wrote an article about the loneliest whale in the wold. Scientists have been tracking her since 1992 and they discovered the problem: She isn’t like any other baleen whale. Unlike all other whales, she doesn’t have friends. She doesn’t have a family. She doesn’t [...]
Read more ›30 Foot Giant Squid Found In Spain

Hello Viewers, Beachgoers in the Spanish community of Cantabria were astonished Tuesday when they stumbled onto the carcass of a giant squid that had washed ashore almost fully intact. The deep-sea denizen—the fabled and mysterious Architeuthis Dux—measured 30 feet and weighed nearly 400 pounds. It was delivered to the Maritime [...]
Read more ›Wayside Waifs Speaker Educates Crowd at Topeka Library About Service Dogs

- Topeka, KS Today at approximately 7:00PM at the Topeka Library, Wayside Waifs speaker and service dog trainer, Larry Braddy educated a small crowd about useful safety tips, fun facts, and even demonstrated some of the amazing skills that go into making a certified service dog. Larry Braddy’s current four-legged [...]
Read more ›What The Fox Actually says

Hello Viewers, I just wanted to say that the recent video called, ‘The Fox’ by Ylvis; a Norwegian music group has the sounds of the fox all wrong. The song it self isn’t too bad and the worst part is that it is catchy. The lead singer doesn’t have a [...]
Read more ›Popular Hybrid Cats Are Booming and Controversial

Hello Viewers, thinking of owning one of those designer cat hybrids? Think again There is one breed that can take down a deer! Do you really want that in your house? Look at this hybrid cat: As cute as it might be these things can get pretty big. They are [...]
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