I want to ask every socalled “officer” out there right now why they have lost sight of what is going wrong with our communities and states? What makes you officers out there think that you can abuse your “powers” and then lie about it to cover your own skin? What [...]
Ebola Stands For Evil Barack Obama Liquidating America
We can see this EBOLA: Eternal Barack Obama Liquidating America virus is literally spelling out the name of its creator,...
Obama’s Plan To Start the Ebola Zombie Apocalypse in America Revealed
All the illegals sneaking into America right now are already infected with EBOLA virus and that is Obama’s...
Benjamin Netanyahu Warns America “Never Second Guess me Again”, America Warns Netanyahu, “Fine, Never Ask Us For Money and Weapons Again”
English: Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli politician (Photo credit: Wikipedia) In a tough exchange of wars following Hamas’...
Russia Shoots Down Malaysian Airliner Over Ukraine, 23 Americans and 295 Other Passengers Dead
Another Malaysian airliner became lost over Ukraine and mistaking it for a warplane, the Russia shot it down. 23 Americans have their body parts scattered all over the Ukraine. 295 lives lost total. I hate to bring politics into this, but it is all Obama’s fault. If Obama would [...]
Read more ›Parents Allegedly Lock Gay Son In Hot Car for 13 Hours, “Make Him Sweat Out the Gay”

Texas parents are in jail tonight after luring their gay son into an SUV and allegedly leaving him in it to ‘sweat the gay away’. The son is recovering from heat exposure in a hospital. A set of parents from Texas are in jail after allegedly luring their 19-year-old into [...]
Read more ›Is It Time For America To Invade The Middle East and Rename It New America
With al-Baghdadi’s ISIS forces wrecking havoc in the Holy Lands, America now has a Christian duty to protect the ancient founding grounds of our nation’s Judeo-Christian religion. Manifest Destiny calls out to America once again. The ancient land of our nation’s Christian Founding Fathers, the Middle East, have fallen into the [...]
Read more ›German Soccer Team Uses Nazi Super Soldier Serum To Beat Brazil 7-1, Risks Start of World War III
The German National Soccer team was unstoppable. Their passes, crisp and robotic. Their thigh muscles, rippling as if they were of the god Apollo himself. The entire nation of Brazil could do nothing but weep as the Germans boldly marched into their country and as they did in 1940s [...]
Read more ›Local Grocery Stores Now Asking To Be Shareholders in Women’s Wombs

After last week’s Supreme Court ruling that made corporations a major shareholder in women’s wombs, local grocery store owners lobbied Congress to demand rights over the wombs of their female shoppers as well. “I think it is a great travesty that fetuses, corporations, husbands and politicians all get a share [...]
Read more ›Oklahoma Store Uses Supreme Court Ruling To Deny Health Insurance to Gay Employee, “Your Lifestyle Does Not Agree With Our Belief-System”

A locally owned Oklahoma retail business is under heavy controversy today. After yesterday’s landmark 5-4 Supreme Court decision to allow ‘closely-held’ companies to dictate terms of an employee’s insurance based on religious beliefs, the Home and Garden Retail store immediately used the legal precedent to terminate the coverage of one of [...]
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