Peyton Manning’s Marijuana Exposure Causes Broncos Lose to Colts, 1 Game Losing Streak
The Denver Broncos have hit rock bottom and marijuana is to blame. All the athletes who hail from Mile High stadium may be clean of consciousness, but tonight’s loss against the morally centered Indianapolis Colts proves once and for all that marijuana is dangerous for the body.
Peyton Manning has so much marijuana in his system, that when he goes to play an away game in a fresh, open-aired dome, his body gets a case of the shakes. His mind is so used to playing high, he could not think straight tonight.
We saw Peyton Manning fumble and cripple his team by giving up two-points for a safety. We saw him throw an interception and destroy the Broncos season.
Now, the Broncos are behind the worst team in the NFL, the Kansas City Chiefs, in the AFC West. How shameful and we all know the culprit: marijuana.
I know tonight is painful for the Broncos. You get the primetime Sunday Night spot and you show that your team is no good. The players were winded and getting easily injured, because they are all detoxing from all the free floating marijuana in Colorado. When Peyton Manning was living in a moral city like Indianapolis, he didn’t have to worry about being a second-hand marijuana smoke drug addict.
But as this season proves, unless the people of Colorado stop smoking marijuana and exposing their star athletes to its ill effects, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Marijuana only brings a lifetime of downward spiral and this image of Peyton Manning weeping in confused marijuana anger and regret, as the younger and pure Andrew Luck sends him limping home, is going to be something we see more and more if Colorado does not overturn their weed smoking ways.
Definitely a poor life decision on Manning’s part. I’m all for the legalization of marijuana, but when you have that many people depending on you, and your salary is that large, you need to suck it up and follow the law.
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You idiot he is following the law
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This is something that people should consider especially to players who have a career to maintain and health that needs to be taken care of.
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