Study: For Every One Marijuana Joint, 4 High School Students Become Pregnant
These shocking numbers reveal why shows such as MTV’s Teen Mom are receiving such high ratings. Nationwide, especially in Washington and Colorado, families are struggling with the embarrassing and crippling stigma of having a drug-addicted teenager who has become pregnant.
The numbers are absolutely terrifying. In the United States, there are approximately 14.8 million high school students. Every year in the United States, over 3 million joints of marijuana are produced and slung onto the street by local neighborhood drug lords. This means that 20% of high school students will get pregnant because they are addicted to marijuana.
Related: Marijuana Smoke During Pregnancy Causes Fetal Marijuana Syndrome
Marijuana is dangerous for the body because it lowers inhibition and ability to make proper judgment calls. While we constantly warn our loved ones to ‘just say no’ , marijuana makes one’s body wired for rebellion. Prom is a very dangerous time with all the dancing and driving alone in cars, so that is where the majority of teenage pregnancy is taking place. If your high schooler lives in Washington or Colorado this year, you would be better off telling them ‘no prom’. Simple as that.
1 out of 5 students who go to prom this year will have a chance of catching pregnancy. Marijuana is everywhere, so do not even be delusional and think your child is not at risk.
By the way, dealers don’t sling joints. It is neither cost- or time-effective. They sell BAGS you idiot. Your articles are so entertaining!
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Judie, you’re sorta special, aren’t ya?
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So that is what happened to Bristol Palin….
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