TV Networks Refuse to Renew Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos for a Season Two
With only nine episodes, Cosmos has greatly angered the moral majority of America. It is one thing to espouse bizarre theories of ‘magical’ Big Bang explosions that come from nothing and try to claim that human life started with endosymbiotic bacteria that evolved to a species that can contemplate colonizing mars* with space ships, but to air such things on television to a captive audience, is just patently criminal and unfair.
Seth McFarlane, the creator of controversial children’s cartoon South Park, is no stranger to twisting the truth to his own design and manipulating the weak minded to influence their future decisions. Cosmos is marketed to the innocent, to the laypeople of America and kids who want to see Neil DeGrasse Tyson zoom around space in his fancy “Ship of the Imagination”, a CGI Fx that is just as fake as all the glitzy theories he throws around as fact in every episode.
With the type of eye-candy he uses in his spinoff children’s cartoon series Futurama, Seth McFarlane knows how to capture the mind of children. He then uses the boomy, soothing bellows of Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s baritone narrative to woo housewives into watching this show, while husbands are left watching it as well to see what all the fuss is about.
All across the nation, this dangerous show has captivated good, Christian nuclear families and it has confused their understanding of Creationism with unverified scientific ‘fact’. And it is that fact that makes this show so dangerous and unfit for the airwaves.
I personally think the fire tornado that struck a Missouri town who refused to cancel Cosmos last week scared tv executives. They knew that if they continued to air a show that so many righteous people are against, that nature itself starts unleashing supernatural fury, that the show is just too much and should be cancelled.
My prayers will be answered on June 9th and I can only hope and pray that not too many minds were ruined due to this horrible, fake show.
*mars is not capitalized in this article because the name of the planet is a Romeo-Wiccan Illuminati conspiracy to get everyone to accept the name of ‘Mars’ as a fact of science, when in reality mars was a false god of war and most likely just a demon trying to make humans sin during the height of the Greek and Roman empires.
You’re an idiot. First of all Seth McFarlane has nothing to do with either south park or futurama. Second of all the Bible is not fact despite what you were raised on. There is little to no evidents of a garden of eden. Also biology suggest that humans would have a hard time surviving with such a narrow gene pool to spawn from. Not once but apparently again after the great flood.
Cosmos presents what can be proven or theorized. Sure some of what he says might be disproven in the future its the best we have to go on. Also he doesn’t knock other theories. He says question everything. If we find the garden of eden and other evidence in the creationist theory than there is no doubt that will be universally accepted, but until then we go off of what we have and what we have is a lot of telescopes and particle accelerators.
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Its times like this i really worry about the human race.
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What is wrong with a different viewpoint? There is and always will be two sides of a coin… THE SAME COIN. There are “rules” that governs the universe and everything around us. I don’t think God would give us these rules and the refuse to follow them as well. Science explores these rules, they don’t make them. Do as I say and not as I do… Not my God and not your’s ether. You and people like you fort up around the constitution when your rights are being violated but if it’s someone with a different point of view/opinion you call them vile and evil. I think your viewpoint SUCKS but I don’t stand at your pulpit and denounce you. If you and your right winged hypocrites don’t like the show then don’t watch or support it and leave the rest of us the HELL ALONE. God bless your sorry ass.
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I dont deny that having a different viewpoint isn’t always a bad thing, but when you completely denounce the existence of something so blatantly existent, then it completely undermines any reliability you once had. In the author’s case, they decided to believe that Mars is not real. Either way, this whole article is satirical and is made just to get reactions just like this.
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I do not know who you thibk you are but thus article is total bullshit. I stopped reading when you said seth did south park LOL
This show should not be dangerous. The only reason it is dubbed as so is to prtect the feelings of the religious community (who I will not insult even though I am athiest) and the pockets of the companies whi enjoy spewing co2 into out atmosphere everyday. Cars, planes, factories and power plants producing co2 shpuld be banned from operating until a safer alternative is discovered. BUT OF COURSE WE CANNOT STOP THE FLOW OF MONEY FOR THESE PEOPLE, THE SAME PEOPLE THAT ME ME SICK. GO RUIN ANOTHER PLANET YOU INCONSIDERATE IDIOTS…
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durp, durp, durpy durp durp
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Christians are confused? Praise the Lord & may they see the light! Confusion about this science indicates lack of intellect and reliance on mythology instead of facts. Assholes! This series WILL NOT be canceled.
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holy shit this article is riddled with bias, misinformation and lies.
And do your research before posting these articles Haywood Bynum, Seth Mcfarlane created family guy, not south park. Matt stone and Trey Parker created south park.
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Haywood Bynum…you are a fucking moron.
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I have trouble believing this article is not satire….
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Wow, if this were on paper I would throw it in the trash, this seriously made me lol, at the total stupidity of the content in this article. Cosmos is by far one of the most innovative and imaginative shows that have come on television for the last several years! I’m still shaking my head at how dumb this article was!! Wow!
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I see the websites URL is Topekasnews, this must be some Westboro baptist bullshit! The assholes that picket soldiers funerals and tell everyone they are going too hell, you people are a total joke! The gimmick is over, now everyone just laughs at you, you have become the butt of many jokes!!
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What an idiot. Something you don’t understand do not mean god. Stop reading a mythological book and start reading science textbooks.
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The only dangerous thing here is people like you Haywood Bynum III, and in fact the show was never aimed to have a second season you moron, it was made for only a single season as the original series. It didn’t have poor ratings, it was a critical success.
In short, you are an idiot. May God bless you.
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WTF? is right. How could you possibly deny the things in this show? This isn’t an opinion but rather fact. There are things that could be just theories like life coming from mars but it was a theory unlike the Bible which are just stories. If you really think that the world was created in 7 days and a God just placed us here then you really need to rethink your life. Maybe a God did create this Universe but he didn’t do it the way the Bible says. How can you possibly deny the research and science that proves it but just believe something that is written in a book over two thousand years ago?
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This column is laughably stupid. The author doesn’t know anything about what he tried to write about. Ignorance like that has no place in the mainstream. This moronic author should keep his opinions and babblings on napkins and/or toilet paper.
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I met Dr. Sagan….I believe he would be sad because of the crazy GOD people. If you believe that crap, keep to yourself, and don’t kill me because your GOD say so! Instead of thumping the bible, why don’t you read some science books, say…..COSMOS by Carl Sagan…dumb ass.
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The author and publication should feel ashamed for this atrociously written and researched piece of work. This is utterly irresponsible writing.
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This is the worst thing I have ever read. How is this your job?
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I am saddened that this is the argument put forth by a “news organization”. The editor should be fired for such blatant lack of fact-checking, but they should also fire the writer based on his lack of understanding of the subject matter. If belief takes the place of facts, then why should a person believing they could fly not take the leap? We call those people mentally unstable. If your God gave you thought and freewill, then that God must have also given the ability to determine that flying is not in your nature. Being narrow-minded and short-sighted has held us back for a millennia because we chose to follow the practices of our ancestors instead of continuing to learn off of their knowledge. While Cosmos comes off as “preachy”at times, I felt it offered valid information to substantiate its theories and facts.
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You my friend are a fucking retard.
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Why don’t you go do some experiments and disprove these “falsehoods” yourself you bastard? Instead of preaching, try teaching that you can’t point fingers unless you’re willing to get them dirty and test the science yourself in an attempt to disprove it.
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The only thing funnier than good satire are the reactions of those that don’t recognize good satire.
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“Renew the series”? I don’t think they planned to go beyond 13 episodes, anyway. They wanted to follow the 13-episode format of the original Cosmos series (by Carl Sagan). I don’t there was ever a planned second season, nor was the show “canceled”.
And what does Seth have to do with Futurama and South Park?
Seriously, where did you get these “facts” from? O_o
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“JESUS CHRIST–you’re retarded!!!”
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All these fucking housewives need to get a life and stop arguing over the Internet.
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People really listen to this guy?
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Sad just sad . Will miss the show dearly
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The catch22 of all this wonderful scientific achievement is the retarding of natural selection / evolution and the contamination of the gene-pool so that idiots such as this can live long enough lives to procreate and raise more idiots such as this…
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Seriously cancelling because some “childish people” got all butt hurt over it seriously…this is why society is failing whiny little babies who are such pushovers. >.< Grow up! It never said you can't be christian or whatever religion its science wait Oh no don't look at science we might actually learn something.
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McFarlane is responsible for Family Guy and American Dad. Groenig is responsible for Simpsons and Futurama.
If you’re not “hip” to pop culture, don’t reference it. Also, if you’re not a believer in science, stop using medical science.
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Bad. Baaaaaaaad. You spew this junk on a computer–do you even have any idea of the entirely REAL machinations at your fingertips? Crawl back into your cave.
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Get off the internet you idiot!
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I though this post was a joke but i could not find the humour in it…
You need to pick up a science book and educate yourself…
I am sorry that the system failed to educated you, kid.
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Too funny……the comments are flying. Evidently, a lot of people don’t recognize satire when they see it. Look at the other articles, people. it is tongue-in-cheek!!!
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holy shit this authour has no idea what he is talking about… how is this article even posted on a news channel?
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This guy has to be joking because this is the most ignorant article i have ever read.
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finally something that gives laymen bible bashers an explanation to evolution and they cancel it…. I HATE RELIGION!
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I knew this show would cause issues with the religious sect. They still bitch over the fact dinosaurs did in fact walk the earth and that the earth is in fact millions of years old which goes against bible teachings. Keep in mind the bible was written by man not God.
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Um, folks, I do believe this is satire…
if it isn’t, I’m afraid, I’m very afraid.
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troll goy
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Do you seriously believe in what you just said?
First of all Southpark is NOT a kid’s show, secondly, isn’t your god a little bit harsh?
Third do you even know your God’s name?
Have you ever read the bible?
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This article just pisses me off and Hayward your a complete moron dumb ditty dumb dumb dumb . oh btw that’s from an episode of South park about stupid people like you, oh and btw that’s not a Seth show you moron do your research next time
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You sound like a lunatic, babbling on about science as if it were not backed by evidence and reason. This disheartens me as Cosmos showed me a lot of interesting events in science and history i’d otherwise not know. I’m glad science is a matter of understanding unlike religion- you don’t have to believe it for it to still be true.
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Is this article a joke?
This guy rants about Neil Degrasse Tyson espousing something other than science and facts, THEN goes on to talk about Seth Mcfarlane as the creator of Futurama AND South Park?
Seriously? Did the author of this article even take a high school journalism course? Did he even graduate HS, let alone go to college? He’s just talking about of his ass and trying to pass it off as journalism. Topeka news should be ashamed of letting someone like this write for them! This isn’t even fitting for The National Enquirer!
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Please ignore my post. I didn’t realize this was a clever satire. More power to you, author. Sadly, there are people who actually do write like this and believe it, so the satire flew right over my head.
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The greatest danger associated with this show is that it will be silenced by tiny minds plagued by religious dogma. This article is pure crap. I hope we bury your old ideas the same day we bury you.
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Of course it is ever so much better to have fairy tales that the Sun goes around the Earth and both are only 6000 years old. As for evolution, my four-footed friends are far more ornamental on the family tree than creationist crackpots. They pretend radioactive decay rates have been divinely tinkered and distant stars created with light already on its way to us so everything seems old. I prefer Einstein’s comment: “Subtle is the Lord, but He is not malicious.” By the creationist account He acts more like the Opposition.
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Science have been always abused by religious and non religious thinkers! it’s a scientific show that reveals its territory from the religion or any ideology that abuse scientific findings to prove their existence! it’s time to science to show us who we are? what would we do? or where we’ll have to go? and it’s time for religions to brings new per-approved words that win this new competition! I am a believer but since I remember I’ve never seen any new findings or masterpiece achievements from religious thinkers! it’s time to work!
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Guys guys… lolol this is a political satire article! They’re poking fun at the crazies who are ignorant beyond help. They’re actually all for the show and love science. The funniest part of this article is the reactions of the people thinking it’s serious. But it is good to see such defense of science. Good on ya people
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Wow I have never read anything as bad as that “review” Keep on believing in that imaginary friend for adults. You uneducated idiot.
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It’s satire you weirdos
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Author: Haywood Bynum III
Leading the charge of faith at Bible Fellowship Church.
Not a satire. I think you are all missing the point of a satire, this is just pure stupidity.
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Pope Declares Evolution & Big Bang Theory Are Real & That ‘God Isn’t A Magician’
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Yes, its a satire.
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Author: Haywood Bynum III
Leading the charge of faith at Bible Fellowship Church.
Not a satire. I think you are all missing the point of a satire, this is just pure stupidity.
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You are a dangerous human being. Please wake up.
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This is, by far, the biggest load of crap I’ve ever come across on the internet. Seth Macfarlane didn’t create South Park OR Futurama (in fact, the shows have two different creators; neither of which are Seth Macfarlane). And, a “theory” in science doesn’t have the same meaning that it does to a moron like this guy. Gravity is “only a theory”. Should we start telling kids that gravity isn’t real either? Somebody needs to get their shit together and read a book or two before they write an article filled with a bunch of dumb shit.
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Yeah, he named the only two currently popular cartoons Seth MacFarlane DIDN’T create. Im surprised he didn’t say that he created The Simpsons too. Credibility revoked.
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This has to be a satirical or fake article right?
I mean, no one is this stupid or lacks that much fact checking… or that lazy to do a simple google search for fact checking… right?
…faith in humanity dwindling here.
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He probably thinks that Google is the devil. The author of this article is afraid of actual knowledge.
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Athiests, you cannot prove there is no God, so saying such is purely unscientific, making you all hypocrites. Bible thumpers, you attempt to criticize science because it explains away the fairy tale doctrine that you have been trained to accept as fact. The truth is, science is the language of God, and the Bible was written for those who don’t have the ability to think and make moral choices for themselves. Personally, I reserve my judgement of God based on the things he has shown me, and his existence is indisputable. Don’t sully His name because religious nut-jobs, such as the author of this article, misrepresent Him in ludicrous ways. If you shun God because of another human’s ignorance, you are just as ignorant. Why do you smite God’s name because man has chosen to use Him as a beacon in order to claim power, that is not a sin of God but a sin of man. The extremists on both sides of the spectrum always come across as foolish, because you are all just repeating what you have been convinced of by another man who preyed on your mental inaptitude. Look within, use your brain independently and don’t rule out possibilities just because they are inconvenient to your way of thinking. If you want to truly know God, listen within, and don’t turn away from Him just because another man misrepresents him. The author of this article is completely misguided and brainwashed and lashes out, without a single factual statement, because he is afraid that his parish may diminish as a result. Religious institutions don’t want you to wake up and think for yourself, else they can’t get your money. Atheists spew their nonsense even though they don’t understand the Science they claim to back. A true scientific mind would never rule out the possible existence of God, and any scientist who remains open to the truth will eventually see the undeniable evidence of His existence. Then you will see that God is not what people write about in books, He is so much more than the sheep of man could ever fathom. 80% of the world is Christian only because it is the only religion that offered a reward of paradise just for believing and a punishment of hell for disbelieving. This caused feeble minded people to take the better safe than sorry approach. The truth is that God transcends any religion that claims to limit his creation. People go on blind faith and worship a book that goes against basic common sense. It is true the moral guidelines are just, but that book is not to be worshiped. The Bible even says to put no idol before God, but every religious person looks to a book to find Him when they only need to look within. Just about every time I try to have an educated conversation on religion with a religious person, they constantly cite the Bible, an the rhetoric is not only mind numbing, but reveals the sheepish nature of man. So to Atheists, I say stop being hypocritical to your own point and stop punishing God for the lies of man. To the science bashing, religious sheep, God gave you a brain with unparalleled ability, use it. Step away from what you have been trained to think and think for yourself, it may be hard at first, but with practice, it will get easier. There is one thing that is undeniable, if you are sitting at either extreme, you may need to question how you acquired your beliefs, because somewhere down the line, you have been indoctrinated. It is time to wake up. It is only when we rule out the possibilities of the universe and beyond do we truly doom ourselves to the truest form of ignorance.
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wow I’m athiest and I think this is a good argument. I still don’t believe, but good argument. See you used reason instead of blindly following the bible. But scientists do all say there is no god. I don’t think there is but I won’t say there is or isn’t until I get proof.
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I have read your article and all I can say is WHATTT???
We want logical arguments not this shit!!1
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: Haywood Bynum III:
Leading the charge of stupidity at Bible Fellowship Church.
Please don’t go to doctor science won’t save only god can save you.
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Once, I got a cold and took some medacine and it worked. Science works. Once I prayed for a girlfriend but I’m still single.
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I don’t understand how you can believe in a god. You always say, the bible says so. Why do you believe a book that has no evidence. If I said I did your mother and you say no, just have faith I did. I read harry potter but I don’t believe in dumbledore.
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