Massive Fukushima Mutant Sea Monster Captured on Oil-Rig Cam

David A Hearst II
• TopekasNews

fukushima mutant sea creature

Nobo, Japan – Japanese officials have called upon the American Navy to patrol their waters, all after a massive unknown Fukushima mutant sea creature was caught on an oil-rig cam.  In the following video, you can see the massive creature is nearly 780 meters long and has the form of an amorphous, jelly-like blob.

Suddenly, halfway through the video, tentacle-like appendages morph from within the creature’s body.  The appendages are nearly 540 feet (165 m) long and are round and pale in appearance.  Scientists who have viewed the video say the appendages appear to have a coated membrane, similar to see creatures that produce poisonous toxins that eat away the flesh of their prey as their body’s wrap around it, much like a phagocyte does a bacteria in the human body.

The crew of the oil-mariner said they first turned on their camera after they saw a litter of spent shark carcasses in the water.  “It looked apocalyptic,” oil-rigger Nori Montamoya reported in an interview.  “The shark bodies looked as if they had been eaten away by acid.”

In the video, the giant creature thought to be the culprit gave the oil-crew a good look at its body, before diving deep within the depths of the Pacific Ocean.  Due to the creature’s massive size, armed US Naval units — including one nuclear submarine — are helping patrol the waters.  Japanese researchers hope to capture the creature and study it.

The oil rig camera did brush against the creature at one point.  DNA analysis from organic material left behind by the creature confirm it is irradiated with Fukushima levels of radiation.  The creature is the result of the Fukushima nuclear meltdown.

Montamoya tells a story told to him, by his grandmother, “In the end of days, a massively great sea creature of unknown origins shall rise to surface, and break terror unknown to Japan and all mankind.”

“I think we got the first glimpse of that creature,” Montamoya reported, looking off to the ocean.

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Tags: fukushima mutant sea creature fukushima mutant sea monster sea monster caught on camera

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