It Is Time For America to Declare War on Saturn’s Moon Titan

Haywood Bynum III
Oil Futures Investor • TopekasNews

america bring freedom to titan

The Saturn Moon of Titan has 100 times more oil than all of Earth combined.  Before any of the greedy lesser nations of this Earth try to muster a proper spacecraft that can land on the moon, America must use its advantages to venture out to Titan, conquer it and bring freedom to the oil there.

We must build up our defenses, because believe Putin is rebuilding the Red Soviet army for a reason.  He wants to annex all of Eastern Asia from himself, because he knows an America with 100 times more oil cannot be stopped by anyone!

America has Manifest Destiny as its birthright.  Manifest Destiny is a gift from God given to all Americans.  It is our right and duty to bring freedom to every nation, every people and indeed, every planet.  Anyone who stands against that belief is anti-freedom and therefore anti-American, and if you are anti-American you are anti-oil and therefore anti-God.


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